The world of technology has no age, and computer security does not either. We must all protect ourselves from cybercriminals, also children and grandparents. Today we will focus on the protection of the latter with simplesecurity measures. As more and more older people are put in front of a computer, Panda Security offer 10 tips to surf the Internet safely:
1. Do not trust all the emails
Some cybercriminals may steal your personal information by impersonating someone else. To prevent this from happening, avoid following the conversation you do not know and do not click on the links of an unknown sender. Never leave your confidential information in a URL that does not begin with “https: //” and keep in mind that your bank will never ask for your account keys by mail, so do not provide it.
2. Do not download any attachment
If an email address you do not know sends you an attachment, do not download it. It does not matter if it is a ‘.zip’ file, ‘.rar’, ‘.exe’, a Word document or a photograph. They can all contain malware that will infect your computer. Also, do not trust the emails of your friends because, unintentionally, they may be sending you a dangerous file. If you did not expect to receive it, ask your friend before opening it.
3. Surf the Internet without being shipwrecked
Do not enter your personal data in any website that asks for them without knowing what you want them for. You should be advised by your browser since many times, it informs you with a security warning that the site you are trying to access can be dangerous.
4. Create several passwords and change them from time to time
If you want to register on a web page that you trust, use strong passwords (including numbers, letters, uppercase, lowercase, and symbols). Never use the same password on all pages, change them periodically, do not send them to anyone. Finally, try not to write them down in a ‘post-it’ that someone can take away from you.
5. Eliminate annoying advertising
Block the happy advertising of your browser by installing a service that blocks it as Adblock . Thus, you will prevent your browser from being filled with banners, pop-ups, and ads that you did not want to see.
6. Beware of SMS
Cyber attackers can use traditional SMS to attack, so you do not have to trust the links they may contain. A few months ago, a malware spread with this method: the SMS asked: “is this your photo?” And when clicking on the hyperlink, an application was installed that was spying on the phone’s calendar.
7. Install antivirus on all your devices
Let the experts worry about your computer or phone: an antivirus protection protects you from malware, helps you make safe purchases through the network and prevents cyberbullying. You will browse the Internet more calmly while others watch out for your safety.
8. Beware of public wifis
Be especially careful when you connect to the Wi-Fi networks of train stations, coffee shops or hotels. Anyone can be connected to that public network, so you should take special care with the web pages you access. If you enter sites where you are registered, check that the lock icon is present. Above all, never make online purchases and transactions being connected to these types of networks, it is better to leave these transactions for another time.
9. Eliminate the footprint that you have left on other computers
If you connect to your personal email or other services in which you are registered from your work computer or from any other place, you are leaving your trace on that computer. Therefore, it is convenient to delete those small files that have been saved, the famous ‘ cookies ‘. The ‘Settings’ menu of your browser will help you to erase that data. If you can not find the option, you can find a simple tutorial to get it. Here we leave you the Chrome one.
10. Allow software and operating system updates
The traditional saying “the bad known is better than the good to know” does not work on the Internet. If your operating system, any of the programs you have installed or the applications you have downloaded on your mobile claim that you update them, read their warning carefully and give them your approval. Although you have to adapt to the changes, it will always be better to stay with an outdated service, since the manufacturer will stop worrying about your safety over time.
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