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Data Centers: Build Decentralized IT Resources Quickly and Flexibly

By February 21, 2019No Comments7 min read

Nowadays, businesses or companies need to quickly implement data sources. Thus, it has become very important for companies to come up with an efficient plan. For example, in the retail world, Point of Sale or PoS can be optimized using data-driven process. Hence, decentralized IT resources have become very important.

Edge data centers are the future of data computing. It is difficult to explain Edge data centers. If you are a newbie, then you imagine Edge data center as a smaller facility which can extend the reach of your network. You can use Edge data centers to deliver cloud resources to the local end users. They help in increasing the data processing speed. Also, they are connected to your cloud data centers. Thus, they can also provide cached streaming content or downstream processing.

Data has become progressively necessary in stationary retailing

Many companies are using the additional computing power of edge data centers to analyze their user’s data. They also analyze customer behavior and try to understand what product is best for them. For example, they combine their social media data or analytics with their sale data. Thus, they know which product is trending right now. Also, many companies use this data to show targeted ads to its users. This helps in increasing the engagement of the advertisement. But, you must have IT staff which is capable enough of managing a large amount of data.

These Edge datacenters help the companies in evaluating their customer data. Also, this data can be used to increase or optimize sales. The Edge data center connects all your warehouses to a central data server. The aim of this is to make sure that the product is always available at the POS or Point of Sale. Many merchants use this to increase the availability of their goods and understand customer likings. For example, if you are collecting data of your customer behavior on a regular basis, then you can use it to predict the customer preferences. Hence, you can increase the sales and revenue of your business.

Thanks to the additional computing power, you can also optimize the supply chain management of your business. You can use this data to identify or analyze your customer patterns in sales. Thus, you can look far in the future and the risk of your losing customer will automatically go down.

Networked IT infrastructure at the POS

You can track the movement of your goods and consumers, using network sensors. Many business owners also use cameras to analyze the movement patterns of customers. This is also known as IoT or Internet of Things. IoT is a continuous flow of information with many different sources and sensors.

For example, if you are a retailer then you can use IoT to detect which positions in your shop have the best conversion rate. Thus, you will know which shelf is best for selling your expensive products. You can optimize your supply chain to the point where you don’t need to reorder goods. The edge data center will automatically do it for. Thus, more and more companies are using the Edge data center. For this, they are expanding their networked IT infrastructure at the POS. According to recent reports, around 40% of the data will be processed by Edge data centers in 2019.

What types of Edge data centers are there?

The main aim of an Edge data center is to increase the performance of any organization. Many important modules like power supply, safety components, and AC is already preconfigured with the data edge center. If you include other factors like moisture or dirt then your IT cabinets or data centers should be equipped with high-quality glass. Many companies are using IP 55 rated glass to protect their cabinets.

There are many different types of edge systems. These are divided according to the applications used and the requirements. For example, small data centers are very famous for small retailers. You can easily set up them in your store, shopping center or any other retail store. But, if you are a high tech IT Company then you must go for Edge Datacenter which has high computing power. This is required when your company is dealing with high tech-related stuff like AI and Virtual Reality.

Due to the different requirements, the technology used in all these edge datacenters is different. For example, if you are having a small cabinet then you don’t much computing power. All you need is some security features and your cabinet must be covered with a good protective cover. But, if you are an IT company then you will need a high-performance Edge data center. These edge data centers must be protected using various security layers. You have to make sure that these edge data centers are fire-resistant and waterproof. Also, you must use correct cooling technology with your edge data center.

If you want to have a secure IT container, then you can use steel walls. This will make sure that your container has high mobility and resistant to fire. Thus, it will provide extra flexibility to your system.

Requirements determine the configuration

First, you must determine your business or corporate goals if you want to optimize your data center. This will help IT experts and specialist in finding the perfect software applications and hardware for your company. Thus, you can increase the computing power of your edge data center. Once the IT experts know your company requirements, they can build a catalog for you. There are many criteria which an IT expert takes in the account before creating the catalog. The most important criteria are that the edge data center must be very fast and easy to use. It should not be a complex system which can be used by tech-savvy people only.

The best solution to this problem is buying the complete system from the provider. It must be fully assembled by the provider before delivering. All the network components and the power supply must be connected with each other. Also, cooling technology must already be tested and implemented.

The second important thing is the running cost. Edge systems must be maintenance free and also they must be fully automated. This will help in reducing the running costs of your systems. The solution to this problem is intensive monitoring of all the important resources like cooling, power, fire detection technology, and suppression. The protection class is mostly depended on the location of your company headquarter. You can also install electric rooms in your office. This will make sure that only IT employees can access the system. Also, if there is an emergency then you must shut down the whole Edge system and cut the power supply.

Achieve more security with Edge

You can increase the security of your Edge data center by setting it up in a room-in-room environment. But, make sure that you have the highest level of protection available in those rooms because fire or some other mishaps can destroy your data. Also, make sure that the outdoor area supports IT operation at a very wide range of temperature. The optimal temperature range is from 19 °C to 46°C.

You can equip your edge data center with all this equipment. Many retailers and merchants are moving to edge data center. It helps them in optimizing the customer experience. Thus, it becomes easy to convert these customers to loyal customers.

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