With the invention and evolution of the Internet, accessing information across the world became faster. Since then, the Internet has become inevitable in the lives of people. Having said this, with all the advantages that the Internet today provides, it brings in many disadvantages as well. The primary drawback being the protection of data. This has emerged as a major problem that accompanies the Internet. Today, in addition to protecting your body against deadly viruses, it has become equally important to protect your system against viruses and malware. So what is the solution? The best solution is to feed your system with the powerful medicine known as Antivirus.
What is an Antivirus?
An Antivirus is a software that is meant to protect your PC and other electronic devices such as phones and laptops against those threats which have the potential to damage or harm your system in any manner. In other words, an Antivirus detects, prevents and removes software viruses, malware, worms, trojans, etc. There are several different types of tasks for which an Antivirus is used. These tasks include:
- Scans files and directories to find the presence of any malware.
- Helps you to run timely scans to keep your system protected.
- It also allows you to scan particular files and pen drive if you want to.
- It not only detects viruses but also helps you to clean them with your permission.
- Any malicious code when detected by the Antivirus, it warns you about the potential danger it can pose to your system.
Why are Antiviruses So Important?
As mentioned above, these Antiviruses prevent your computer systems against any malware attacks and keeps it safe. But are they really important? Yes, they are extremely crucial. The world is presently facing many problems due to the ever-increasing wrath of hackers. Not only this, a virus or malware can be injected easily in your system leading to corrupting of files and huge loss of data. Whether it is an individual or a company, nobody can afford to lose their precious data. Although, it should be known that every cyber-attack cannot be prevented just by the use of Antivirus, yet it can play a substantial role to safeguard your computer from cyber-attacks.
Attacks that can be prevented using Antivirus
An antivirus software can play an instrumental role in prevention from the following:
- Antivirus: The Antivirus protects and safeguards your system against viruses or any other attack that might attempt to damage your system.
- Rootkit Protection: An Antivirus also protects Rootkits, which are embedded deep in the system.
- Protection against Bots: Antivirus warns the user if any attacker tries to use your system for any illegal activity remotely.
- Protection against Worms: Traditionally, worms affect networks and not computers. However, these worms can carry a lot of malware which can adversely affect the systems. Antivirus protects attacks from these worms as well.
- Trojan Attacks: Antivirus software also helps the user by warning them about the presence of malware within any Trojan file.
- Message Attacks: Attackers often use instant messaging or e-mails to attack any software. Antiviruses also inform the users if the mail has any malicious link or file which may damage the system.
What Are Fake Antiviruses?
Cyber-attacks are expanding at an alarming rate, and so are the ways in which your data can be exploited. One such beneficial way for the hackers but extremely dangerous way us is the use of Fake Antivirus. These antiviruses pretend as original software and can even look very authentic at times.
How Do They Operate?
Often, while browsing the Internet, a pop-up message appears all of a sudden. It shows as if it is running a virus scan on your system and then asks you to download the software as it shows many viruses present on your system. They dupe you into believing that your system contains a lot of malware although it does not. Fake Antivirus takes advantage of users’ insecurity to their advantage. On mobile phones, these advertisements lead to continuous vibration which puts the user in a panic-stricken situation. You should never fall for such messages and download the file that they display.
Another way through which Fake Antiviruses harm your computer is by injecting harmful malware and viruses in your system against which they claim to protect your system from.
How can you Protect Yourself from Fake Antiviruses?
Though the Internet is filled with advertisements of such Fake Antiviruses, still it is quite easy to save oneself from such attacks. Here are a few ways to help you out.
Do proper research before installing any Antivirus software for your system. Whether the company from which you are buying Antivirus is a reputed one or not. DO NOT click on any banner ad or link blindly. Cautious clicking can often prevent you as well as your system from malicious cyber-attacks.
 Don’t Fall for Free Antivirus
People often do not want to spend money on antiviruses as there are many free options of the same available. However, many of these Antiviruses are fake and can do more damage than contributing to safety. Therefore, it is highly advisable not to fall for such Antivirus which are free of cost as this software provide only limited protection.
Observe Differences in Warning Signs
Even if you have installed a legitimate Antivirus, there are chances that you may fall prey to fake warnings that will lead to malware attacks. The best solution is to observe the warning signs that appear on your system. A fake warning sign will generally not have a company logo. Beware of fake warning signs.
Don’t Use Unreliable Websites
There are millions of websites which are filled with ads, and any wrong click may lead you to a malicious attack. If you are facing any issue with a website or are bombarded with ads, you must stay away from such websites.
It ultimately depends upon how you use your mind and wisdom against such Fake Antiviruses. If you are not aware of such practices or ignore them, no one can protect you from malware attacks.
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