The 21st century has been turned the tables for humankind because of the technological innovations which are happening on a daily basis. In this digital ecosystem, all our data is sent and received via the help of the internet. With the help of the internet, businesses are growing at a rapid pace. We can now send data and communicate with clients, colleagues, vendors and other important partners within seconds with the help of the internet. But one thing that we forget to notice is, that is it safe to transmit the data digitally?
To some extent it is safe and to come extent it is not. Data transmission is always at the risk of getting hacked. Therefore we should understand and opt for methods of how to safely transmit the data without being attacked.
On a daily basis, we tend to send loads of sensitive information via the internet. Such data might include
- Credit card details
- Personal Identity details
- Internet banking details
- IT security details
- Balance sheet
- Loan application details
- Health information
- Mutual fund details
- Details of deposits like Fixed deposit and Recurring deposits
We do not think much before sending this information via the internet. Internet is truly a blessing, but it has also got its own share of drawbacks. These data can be hacked, but still, we do not bother much about the security of the transmission of such data.
Now, you will say, to avoid such risks, it is better to send these data via courier service? Think for a moment! Would you send your sensitive data inside an envelope which anyone can open and read? Certainly not!
No matter which mode of data transmission you select, there is always a risk of the data being stolen.
Now, you must be wondering, how about you send the data using your office password-protected internet WiFi? But if the receiver opens the data on a free public WiFi, again there is a risk of the data getting hacked.
If the hacker has the right set of tools, he can steal your data from an open WiFi source. This type of stealing of data can be termed as “man-in-the-middle attack”.
So is it possible to secure your data?
If you are disheartened by reading the above negative reviews of sending sensitive data that are vulnerable to getting hacked, then do not worry anymore. Wherever there is a problem, there is always a solution.
To protect your data from getting attacked, make sure that you opt for encryption. Encryption is like looking at your data in a box that is secured by a lock and other heavy security measures. Encryption is like wearing a bulletproof jacket although you have guards to protect you. It acts as an extra shield of security.
If in any case, the data gets hacked, then the encrypted data will appear as scattered and will be unreadable to unauthorized users. Only the authorized can access the data. For a receiver, Encryption data is also really beneficial, as it alerts the receiver that the data is coming from a reliable source.
For businesses, it is common to use FTP for file transfer. But FTP is not secured at all. Therefore, if your business sends and receives large amounts of digital data, it is always advisable to opt for SFTP- Secure File Transfer Protocol. SFTP is the secured version of FTP and it encrypts the data when it transmits it. When you send files via SFTP, and it gets intercepted by an unauthorized individual, then the person would not be able to read the data as he would require a decryption key to open that data.
Others ways of improving the security of transferred data are:
Educate Employees
In order to improve the security of the data transmission, make sure that your employees do not open any sensitive data on public or unsecured WiFi networks. Opening data on unsecured Wi-Fi networks will leave a trace of vulnerability and it can be intercepted by an unauthorized user.
Use encrypted emails
Sending data via mail can be risky as it is an open-source for hackers to intercept. Therefore, always use encrypted emails like Gmail and Outlook. If you use other mails, then you need to opt for third-party services to encrypt the mail.
Encrypt data before saving in the cloud.
No matter to what level a cloud is secured, it always has a risk of getting hacked. Therefore, before saving any sensitive data on a cloud platform, it is advisable to encrypt it. Even if an unauthorized person hacks your cloud account, he can’t read the data.
Always keep a track of your devices
Keep a track of who is using your laptop or tablet. Make sure that your device is connected to a secured Wi-Fi connection. Always, keep track of people who are using your device to log into their mail id. In case, your laptop is stolen or hacked, then that hacker won’t be able to view the encrypted data. Encrypted data are always very difficult to steal.
Control the access to sensitive data
When you are sharing some sensitive data, it is advisable to restrict your data and add features like permission to view or edit. In this way, you can be sure that only the authorized person can have full access to the data.
Seek professional help
When you know there are huge amounts of sensitive data which is being sent and received by your business on a daily basis, it is time to hire professional service providers. These providers will help you to secure your data and provide the perfect solution to keep the security tight. These IT professionals have immense knowledge of how to protect your data and investing in their services will give you the results you want.
With so many cases of hacking and cyber threat being reported daily. it is important that you educate yourself on how to protect your data. To be on the safe side, opt for the services of IT professionals and ensure that your data is safe.
Contact us today to learn about Bleuwire™ services and solutions in how we can help your business.