You want your patients to leave your office with smiles on their faces. But even with a high-quality dental treatment in your cabin, a bad experience in your office room can leave them unsatisfied. Without proper clinic management, your patients may feel left out and have a negative opinion about your services. It is time to automate mundane tasks by integrating IT into your dental clinic. Dental IT solutions help you to manage employees, simplify accounting, analyze patient history instantly, predict improvements and manage your patients on your fingertips.
But working with a tech company that doesn’t understand dental technology and the unique needs of your practice can lead to inefficiencies. Dental IT support in Miami can help you establish a perfect IT solution in your office. They will help you in connecting all the computers for simplifying access to information. They will install and manage your in-house server or establish a cloud computing solution. You can increase productivity and make your patients happy with a great dental support service. Dental IT services will not only help you in managing your clinic but provide you with simplified solutions for compliance regulations like HIPAA.
How IT Can Simplify Your Dental Practices:
A satisfied patient will give you a free word to mouth advertising. Therefore, you need to simplify your administration so that you can focus more on your patients.
Manage PHI (Public Health Information):
Keeping track of your medical records and finding patient’s history from dozens of registers can be difficult. If you store health information on a paper or even on a computer, you want it accessible in multiple places and in various formats. There are hundreds of software available in the market that makes the job of organizing healthcare information easier. But you want something that is suitable and easy to use for your dental practice. A Dental IT support provider can help you in finding a tailor-made solution for your office so that you can store a digital record of a patient’s personal and healthcare information and access it instantly.
Billing and Invoice Management:
You can hand out a digital invoice and save all the accounting information on your database server. This will help you to analyze your monthly expenses, profits and unbilled amounts can be identified using appropriate accounting software. Accounting tools provide an easy user interface and analytical tools to make reports and predict growth. A managed Dental IT service in Miami will help you to digitize your accounting with high quality and accurate accounting tools to make financial information easily manageable.
Simplicity for Patients:
To provide a great service to your patients, you need to reduce waiting time by providing them the facility to book appointments through your website. You can even go a step forward and provide a portal to chat with dentists and store & access their dental healthcare history. A ticket management software in your office can also help you to organize patient queue. You can hand out token numbers and send email or SMS reminders about their appointment.
Manage Your Clinic on Your Smartphone:
Cloud computing enables fast and secure access to the data you have collected over time. By integrating remote access to your on-premise servers or cloud servers, you can administer the office from home. You can send out notifications, approve appointments and change employee shifts from your smartphone.
Compliance Regulations:
Healthcare organizations suffer lawsuits, revenue loss, and brand damage because of improper measures to handle public health information (PHI).
“Cottage Health was fined $2 million in October 2017 for violations which included failure to encrypt data”
HIPAA compliance protects PHI and regulates the organizations that deal with PHI. In order to get a certificate and remain compliant, you need to implement a number of physical and technical safeguards involving the use of IT.
Physical Safeguards:
Physical safeguards ensure the security of PHI present in workstations & data centers of any office including the cloud servers. Physical safeguards enforce authorization and record of any person that gains access to PHI servers.
Technical safeguards:
Technical Safeguards govern the technology that is used to protect ePHI and provide access to data. It includes an authentication mechanism for ePHI such as password protection, encryption and decryption mechanism, IT disaster recovery and offsite backup etc.
Robust Backup & Recovery Solutions:
Another important reason to integrate the latest IT solutions in your dental practices is to automate secure data backup and recovery. All the reports, patient data, events, financial transactions, and other priceless information can be lost or rendered unusable due to a natural disaster or hardware or software failure. Dental IT consultancy services can help you to establish a robust and automated data backup and recovery procedure and save the collected information from unfortunate events.
By appointing a professional dental IT service provider in Miami, you can integrate first-class technology in your dental practice and always stay ahead from your competitors.
Contact us today to learn about Bleuwire™ services and solutions in how we can help your business.