With the ever-increasing influence of the internet, the aspect of cyber-crime is also increasing. The activities of hackers have never been more prevalent as more than 1.5 trillion dollars [USD] were made in 2018 alone from online theft. Therefore, it has become imperative for every individual to operate in a safe and secure working environment.
Not only in terms of financial theft, but social media accounts are also being hacked which eventually gives rise to the issue of identity theft. The data and personal information about a specific individual are valued by business organizations who wish to expand their business and in turn, shoot bulk emails as a part of marketing strategy. This can be very annoying to deal with especially when your email is a storehouse of a cluster of unimportant emails.
All these issues combined must be addressed in order to operate in a safe manner on various online platforms. Let us now look at a few methods which can help us to maintain complete personal information safety at all times.
1. Complete Offline Safety of Personal Information
This is the most important, yet a fundamental step which an individual must ensure and that is to maintain all the physical, financial documents in a locker or a safe at home. If you do not allow anyone to gain access to your personal details, then the chances of fraud or hacking also reduce significantly.
It is also essential you restrict yourself from using your financial details on a regular basis. Avoid carrying any essential documents with you in your wallet or bag pack. Also when you have to use such documents then make sure to counter question the authorities which require the specific data. This way you will have fewer issues to deal with as the threat of leaking data reduces in a significant manner.
2. Security of Personal Data on various online platforms
Now, this is a challenging aspect as most of the cyber-crimes are initiated with the help of the internet. You obviously have to share your data when it comes to processing a financial transaction. However, it is critical that you limit yourself from overusing your information. Know the people or the website where you wish to share your personal details. It is also essential that you store the data in a secure manner.
You will find a lot of imposters on various online platforms who will demand your banking details or will indulge and sweet talk you into making an investment decision on a flawed product. Think before you jump into conclusion and be sure to research on everything before you make the decision to purchase.
Also, you need to be careful of emails which you may receive from a third party company who claim to be in association with you. Do not click on any foreign links.
3. Safe Disposal of Old Operating System
After a certain point in time, you must upgrade your operating system. With the advancement of technology, new and improved computers are being launched in the market which is designed to increase the convenience level of the users concerned. So when it is your time to update your operating system, be sure to format and erase all your personal details from your old laptop, computer or mobile phone.
Personal information and contact details of colleagues must be responsibly removed so that no third party can use the data made available in an adverse manner. It is often seen that various electronic device manufacturers avail enticing exchange offers. So if you plan to exchange your mobile phone or laptop for a new device, then it is critical to dispose or transfer all the present information to your new operating system.
4. Be aware of encryption software
Most of the hacking is initiated on various web browsers. This is where you must look to use safety encryption software. These programmes make sure that your information is scrambled across the internet so that it cannot be utilized by an unauthorized individual. Always search for the “Lock” icon, which appears on the search bar of every web browser. This icon indicates that all your information is safe and will not be transmitted to foreign entities.
5. Password Protection
Another fundamental method which must be considered when it comes to achieving complete internet safety. To begin with, your operating system must have a password which restricts any foreign user from accessing the concerned device. Also, make sure to keep a unique password for every online account you create.
This limits the overall occurrence of hacking as all of your personal accounts are protected with individual passwords. Also when it comes to the aspect of selecting a password, make sure not to go for the obvious options such as your name or date of birth. Instead, look to set complicated variables as set password such as “DBZ45G10”. It will ensure that your account is protected from hackers.
6. Limit usage of personal details on Social Media Forums
The issue of identity is most commonly initiates from various social media forums. It happens when an individual publicizes their personal data to a whole host of people. If such is the case, then fake accounts are bound to appear. The intelligent thing to do here would be to secure your account form external visitors whom you do not know personally. Also only reveal the information which is of absolute importance.
Do not make public your social security number, mobile phone number, permanent address or bank account credentials. This way you are only attracting hackers. Be smart and deal with situations in an adequate manner.
The rise of cyber-crime is of significant concern to the global economy and must be stopped. People every year lose billions of dollars due to unauthorized personal information leakage. Therefore, you should take up the responsibly and ensure that your personal details are safe with you. Try to do your part and automatically everything else will fall into place.
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