Server Virtualization Lets Your Employees Work From Anywhere
The days of the static office and equally static workers are largely behind us. These days employees need to be able to work from anywhere, including their homes, the local coffee shop and even their cars. Virtual server technology gives workers the tools they need to stay in touch with the office, or even to take that office with them wherever they go.
With the old application server model, employees had to be present in the office and physically connected to the office network in order to do their work and access system resources. Sometimes companies were able to provide a sort of rudimentary remote access, but that access often involved detailed instructions, lengthy wait times, cumbersome login procedures and slow connection speeds. These days those impediments can have a profound impact on your business, so why not eliminate them with virtual server technology? With a well implemented and properly thought out virtual server deployment, your employees can access the company servers and system resources no matter where they are. As long as there is an internet connection, there is a connection to your virtual servers.
That leanness and nimbleness is what sets the successful companies apart from their less successful peers in the modern world. Companies can no longer afford to sit still when technology changes so rapidly and so much of a company’s value is tied up in its information systems. In the past rapidly changing technology was often extremely costly for companies, and that was one of the reasons so many old line companies resisted these changes until it was too late.
These days, however, changing technology is just as likely to come with cost savings attached, and that is certainly the case when it comes to virtual server technology. With virtual server technology and a virtual server solution, your company can save significant amounts of money on hardware purchases, memory upgrades, storage space and hardware installations. By having the same piece of hardware host many different servers and applications, your company can reduce its overhead costs by up to 70% or more. That is more money in your pocket, and more profit on your bottom line.
Virtual server technology can also save you money by allowing your employees to be more efficient and more available. By making those hosted services and applications available from anywhere, you free your employees from the office, allowing them to work on projects from home, and even from the beach while on vacation. Employees are free to check on the status of their projects, get their email and keep up with life at the office no matter how far they may roam.
That freedom can in turn create a more dedicated and reliable team, allowing your company to get more done with fewer and fewer resources. No matter what you need to accomplish, chances are virtual server technology can help you achieve those important business goals. It is no wonder so many smart companies are virtualizing their new servers and converting their existing ones.
Contact us today to learn about Bleuwire™ services and solutions in how we can help your business.