When a particular application or software is made or is under process, then generally there remains some error while running the software or application. Then with the help of these error monitoring tools, the area of defect is detected and recorded. The specialty of these tools is that it rectifies the correct site of error and gives results instantly. Thus helps in guessing the accurate error site so that it can be corrected easily and quickly.
How is it useful?
Error tracking lets the user know beforehand the mistakes by keeping track of it. This does not let the errors to pile up at the end, thus avoiding the creation of a lot of the hustle and bustle and confusion. It records the errors from the beginning, thus acting as a rescuer from letting the smaller problems turn into the bigger ones.
- A common example – The applications that are used by many in daily lives like WhatsApp, Facebook, Wikipedia, and other search engines require regular upgradation, which involves errors. So with these error monitoring tools, the error site is detected so that it does not come under the category of error based software.
For whom it is beneficial the most?
As it can be seen all around that most of the students and people have engaged themselves in the field of computer technology and development. Computer science and software related courses and programs have set a new trend in today’s world. Due to this, students are getting more interest in these fields and becoming more passionate about it. This is leading to the development of new technologies, innovations, and most importantly, easy to use applications. So the students who work under developing these have less experience and need updates and guidance at every interval. So these error monitoring tools are taken as a friendly guide and alarmer at every instance by the users.
Types of error monitoring-
Generally, there are two types of error monitoring: Back end monitoring and Front end monitoring.
- Back end monitoring
Back end monitoring is also known as data center monitoring, application performance monitoring, infrastructure monitoring, or software monitoring. It lets the user know about the errors or bugs and issues coming up in the infrastructure like the databases, HTTP servers, API services, and many more. The problems that are detected and can be resolved by back end monitoring includes-
- The problems occurring due to issues in the system in the operation mode.
- Issues related to system security.
- Failures in the working of the CPU
- System hardware issues like failure of the disk and other related problems.
- Problems faced while upgrading or enhancing the software
- Errors and bugs while coding.
- Front end monitoring
This is the other type of error monitoring known as the front end monitoring. It is viewed from the perspective of a user. It means that it shows the view of the particular application or software as it would look like from the eyes of the users. It shows and detects all the final bugs, errors, disputes, and mistakes so that the final overall check is done. This ensures that the particular data, software, or application looks good when used by the users. According to the error category, the issue can be detected by several methods and tools in front end monitoring.
The two main ways are :
- Synthetic Monitoring
- Real User Monitoring (RUM)
The problems that are detected and resolved by front end monitoring includes :
- Issues related to Web page content, structure and data
- Contents related to the third parties
- If any reduction is found in the working or effectiveness of the application or websites.
- Any problems occurring due to browser misconduct
Which one to be implemented and why?
When the question comes, which one out of the two monitoring measures has to be used depends on the user and their choice. Both the monitoring devices work efficiently in their respective fields. But if seen overall, the front end monitoring devices has a good hold. It tests the final webpage and helps in modifying the errors before the users view it.
One more point with which front end monitoring devices win is that they are cheaper and simpler than other ones.
When to implement or buy an error monitoring tool?
There arrives some point when there is a necessity for some services. Similarly, error monitoring tools are not only needed for detecting errors but can be used for several purposes.
Some of them are as follows:
- Forgetting feedbacks from the users – If the producer wants to know about the reviews and feedbacks of the users who are using their applications and software, these tools then help in solving this issue. It gives a correct track of the user’s actions. Thus improving customer experience.
- Need for better technology
- When there is unavailability of developer resources
- When there is a shortage of time
Best for whom?
There is no doubt that these error monitoring tools have proved to be a boon to the technological field. But this has proved out to be exceptionally incredible for those who are planning to set up a new business or launch any application or has entered this field as a fresher and wants to gain experience by working in such fields. The produces can take help from the error devices as it would provide continued assistance to them and would alarm then beforehand.
So, summing up then overall, it is seen that error monitoring technologies have become an essential part of this world. Error is such a thing that is accepted nowhere no in society. Everywhere it is just deceived and neglected by the people. As this is an era of technology and developments, where the use of scientific devices rule, so error in software and applications are accepted by none. So these assist the people in their goal of introducing new features and bringing about more upgrades every time.
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