Laptops have become an integral part of our lives. Laptops can fit into a briefcase and can be taken anywhere. This the main advantage of a laptop is that you can use it anytime and anywhere. It is also called a notebook computer.
It is a battery powered personal computer and has all the functionalities of a desktop. Laptops can be used to play games, watch movies, store files and folders, etc. It fits into the lap of a person and is placed on the laptop while working, hence the name ‘Laptop.’
A wide range of laptop brands are available with different kinds of specifications. Since laptops are small in size and are not as large as a personal computer, they use a reduced sized memory outlines or modules which is known as DIMM.
The most important part of a laptop is the Random Access Memory (RAM). It is a short term memory storage area. All data are brought into the RAM for processing. The results of processing are also stored in the RAM.
If the RAM is not present, then the data is found in the hard drive will take a long time to process. RAM is a volatile memory and is not suitable for the permanent storage of data. RAM can store data while the laptop is on. When the laptop is turned off, the data stored is erased off. Thus, RAM is a temporary storage area.
In order to improve the performance of your laptop, you must have enough RAM in your laptop. RAM is essential and ensures that the laptop’s performance and speed are perfect and faster than before. As there is a development in technology with time, a wide variety of RAM versions are available.
You must select the right version of the RAM for the proper functioning of your laptop. In order to select the right type or version of RAM, you must be aware of the different types of RAMs, their specifications, their capacities, their suitability, etc. You have to analyze these criteria and then select a suitable laptop RAM. RAM is a static memory. It contains all the data required for processing only until the laptop has a power supply and is on. Once the laptop is turned off, the data gets deleted from RAM.
Given below are the 4 different types of RAMs available for a laptop.
In the above RAMs, DDR3 RAM and DDR4 RAM are very common in today’s market. DDR stands for Double Data Rate. Anyone of the above RAMs can be used. Nowadays, with the development of technology, RAM comes under Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (SDRAM) built using different specifications. The various versions of RAM available have a lot of difference in their functionalities. The major differences between DDR1 RAM, DDR2 RAM, DDR3 RAM are listed below
- Pins used
- Time is taken to transfer data
- The voltage required for operation
- The frequency at which it operates.
- Notch Location on the module.
The above-mentioned differences are also the highlights or features of RAM. With the advancement of technology, each version of DDR RAM is improved and much better than their predecessors. All the above-mentioned RAMs differ in their power and service. DDR1 RAM, and DDR2 RAM is considered to be outdated and are currently very less in use. Usually, the latest version of RAM is incorporated in laptops to increase its speed and efficiency. The features of DDR1 RAM, DDR2 RAM, and DDR3 RAM are given in detail.
The first RAM in SDRAM category is the DDR1 RAM. It is also known as the first generation RAM. It has 184 pins and requires a high voltage for operation. It works with double precision clocking, low voltage signaling, etc. It was developed by JEDEC in the year 2000. It produces 2 data transfers per internal clock cycle. Higher transfer rates are made using DDR1 RAM. It transfers data at the rate of 64 bits per time. It uses double pumping, which refers to the transmission of data at both the upper and lower edges of the clock signal.  The bus frequency is 100 MHz. The maximum transfer rate is a 1600 Mb/s.
DDR1 RAM was succeeded by DDR2 RAM. DDR2 RAM is the second generation RAM. It was developed by JEDEC and released in the year 2003. It has various standards and specifications. It offers better performance than DDR1 RAM. It requires lower power consumption and has a higher bus speed along with the double pumping feature. As a result of these factors, DDR2 RAM produces 4 data transfers per internal clock cycle. It has a data transfer rate of about 6.4 GB per second.
DDR2 RAM was succeeded by DDR3 RAM. It is the latest third generation RAM. It has 200 pins. It is an improved version, and it requires even lower power consumption than before. It has a data transfer rate of about 6.40to 17 GB per second. It was released in the year 2007 and was developed by JEDEC. It has the ability to produce 8 data transfers per internal clock cycle, which is double than its predecessor.
It is necessary to choose the right RAM according to its compatibility with your laptop in order to improve the performance of your laptop. Without perfect RAM, it is very difficult to process the data as it takes a lot of time. Larger the RAM, better is its functionality as your laptop gets a multi-tasking potential. If you use the latest and an advanced RAM, a lot of programs can run simultaneously without slowing down. DDR1 RAM and DDR2 RAM are the oldest of all and are not used much. DDR3 RAM is built with the latest technologies and is a widely chosen RAM for laptops. In order to get the DDR3 RAM in your laptop, the computer should be compatible with it. Otherwise, it is not possible to get DDR3 RAM.
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