Cybersecurity is very important for every business. Almost every business is using the cloud for storing their data and applications. Thus, they are always at risk of cyberattacks.
If you want to protect your company from these attacks, then you should implement the best cybersecurity practices. In this article, we will give you the best cybersecurity practices. These practices will help you in avoiding these attacks. If you have a strong cybersecurity policy, then it will help you in saving millions of dollars. However, you need to invest some money in creating a stable network.
Conduct Phishing Simulations
Phishing attacks are still the most common hacking method. These attacks can ultimately lead to data breaches. Phishing Simulations will help you in training your employees. Thus, they won’t click on unknown links. Also, they won’t download unknown files in their system. Your employees should know about basic things like Phishing. Phishing simulation will help you in testing your employee knowledge. Your security team should conduct phishing simulations on a regular basis.
Secure remote workers
The recent coronavirus pandemic has forced everyone to embrace remote work. Thus, it is important to protect your remote workforce. Most employees have a habit of using public Wi-Fi networks for accessing the corporate network. This can cause a lot of damage to your network. Hackers can intercept their communication. Thus, they can easily steal data from your servers. You should train your employees about the basic precautions. They should use VPN for protecting their connection. Enterprises should give VPN access to their remote workers. Your employees should also install anti-malware programs in their system. This will help your IT department in protecting your network.
Give more priority to your Employee privacy
Data privacy is becoming more important with time. There are various new regulations that are trying to regulate this. You should give priority to your employee privacy. It is a good idea to hide their data from the outside world. Also, you should teach basic cybersecurity practices to your employees. Your IT department can do workshops for teaching these things.
Create your own Cybersecurity Awareness Program
According to a report by ObserveIT, more than 2/3rd of the threat incidents are actually started by some workers. If you want to protect your organization, then you should teach your employees about basic things. Your employee’s knowledge and skills will help you in protecting your organization. You should create a cybersecurity awareness program. This will help you in training your employees. It should address basic things like employee behaviors and identifying risks.
Audit Privileged Access
You should check how many people have access to your organization’s sensitive data. If more employees have access to your sensitive data, then hackers can easily target them. You need to grant privileges when employees are changing roles. However, you should regularly check the permissions of your employees. You can also develop your own system for auditing privileged accesses.
Monitor File and User Activity
If there are malicious insider threats in your organization, then they can easily steal your data. You should develop a file and user activity monitoring system. This will help you in protecting your data from insider threats. There is already Data loss prevention or DLP solutions available in the market. However, these solutions will focus only on data. You can’t track user activities by using these solutions. Thus, DLP solutions can’t protect your organization from insider threats. If you are using monitoring software, then you can easily prevent a data breach.
Don’t forget about the State-Sponsored Threats
If you are working in a high-value industry like banking, technology, and healthcare, then you should worry about state-sponsored threats. Your employees can sell sensitive data to foreign organizations and governments. You should know about the motivation of such insider targets. This will help you in detecting patterns of suspicious behavior.
Develop an Insider Threat Role
It is important to create a dedicated insider threat program. This will help you in securing your organization from insider threats. If your employees can access your data, then they can leak your data. Companies that are dealing with sensitive data should create their own Insider Threat program. A data breach can cause a lot of damage to your enterprise reputation. You should gain the support of your managers and the IT department. This will help you in quickly developing an insider threat program.
Inform your third-party providers
Thanks to globalization, companies can allocate their workloads to third-party organizations. They can outsource their simple tasks to other companies. Thus, they need to focus on important and critical tasks. However, you should inform these providers about the cybersecurity policies that you are using. Your in-house staff should have complete knowledge of your policies. Similarly, your third-party providers should have knowledge about these cybersecurity policies. This will ensure that they are protecting your critical data.
Use MFAs, SSOs and Password Managers
If your employees are using weak passwords, then hackers can easily hack into your system. They can use a simple brute force attack for attacking your network. Thus, you should implement an efficient enterprise password manager. This will ensure that your employees are using strong passwords. Hence, attackers can’t use brute force attacks for attacking your systems. This will help you in dealing with the most common attacks.
These are the best cybersecurity practices that will help you in protecting your business. You should consider these practices when you are creating your security strategy. These practices will act as the starting point of your cybersecurity strategy. If you have a strong cybersecurity program, then it will protect yours from financial consequences. You should try your best to prevent hacking attacks and incidents. This is very important for every modern business. Almost every business is storing its data in the cloud. Thus, it is important to create a strong cybersecurity strategy. It will protect your organization from security breaches. If you need more tips regarding cybersecurity, then you can contact Bleuwire.
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