Vulnerability scanning is also known as Vulnerability Assessment in the security world. It is the method of recognizing security holes in your network, website, and computers. Some of these Vulnerabilities can be related to your website coding or a problem in your network components. They are also used to scan any error in your operating system.
If any vulnerability is found, then you need to do a vulnerability disclosure. These disclosures are carried out by separate teams of CERT [Computer Emergency Readiness Team]. The security team who has found these vulnerabilities can also do the vulnerability disclosure. Your report should have a POC [proof of Concept] attached to your disclosure. These vulnerabilities are the main reason behind black hat activities like hacking. Thus, it is important to report them or fix them as soon as possible.
As the hacking and 0-day incidents are increasing in 2019. It is important for you to do a full vulnerability assessment of your network. You can also do an assessment of your web applications or web servers using Vulnerability scanning tools. First, let’s talk about the procedure of assessing any network for vulnerabilities. You don’t need to be tech-savvy to do this.
- First, you must know how your security system is structured.
- Start tracking all the data which is sent from your workstation. Also, use a task manager to keep a track of all the applications which are running.
- After getting all the data, examine it. Note down any source name which is sending data without your permission.
- Also, check if there is any physical problem with your workstation. Sometimes your hardware can be compromised also.
- Find out the previous security approach which was followed by your organization.
- Try to implement a new security approach in your organization. Try to inspect all the malicious applications you found during the assessment.
These were 6 simple steps that you have to follow for vulnerability assessment. You can also use Vulnerability Scanners to find vulnerabilities in your system. Vulnerability scanners are automated tools that are used for security auditing. They play a very major role in the security industry. It is not possible to scan every network manually. Thus, these vulnerability scanners are used to find simple vulnerabilities in your system. They will generate a list of vulnerabilities. This list is arranged according to the priority of vulnerability. Vulnerabilities that can do the most harm to your business are arranged at the top. Some of these tools can also automatically patch the vulnerabilities. We have compiled the list of best Vulnerability Assessment Tools.
Top 6 Vulnerability Assessment Tools
Netsparker is the most famous vulnerability scanner tool. It is used to find vulnerabilities in web applications or websites. It can find standard vulnerabilities like SQL Injection, Cross-site scripting, and other vulnerabilities. The best thing about Netsparker is that it is compatible with all the languages. It doesn’t matter if your web application is using JAVA, Python, PHP, .NET, or any other language. Net sparker can find vulnerabilities in all the major language platforms.
Netsparker also produces a POC or Proof of concept with their reports. These POC’s are used to verify that the vulnerability reported is true. This tool is very fast. You can scan your website in a few minutes. They will also tell you how to fix the vulnerability. Thus, you can easily fix the vulnerabilities reported.
Comodo’s HackerProf Tools has revolutionized the internet security world. It is capable enough to overcome any security concern. You can easily test your website’s security using this tool. Some of the key features of this tool:
- You can easily perform vulnerability scanning daily.
- It has PCI scanning enabled.
- You can use this tool to prevent D-DOS attacks.
- It can detect any type of vulnerability in your web application.
- You can build trust with your visitors. Thus, it will become easy to convert these visitors into buyers.
There are many more advantages of using this tool. Thanks to PCI scanning, you can take your website security to the next level. It will also help you in increasing the conversion rate. Thus, your overall revenue will increase.
Acunetix is one of the oldest vulnerability scanners in the market. It is an automated tool that is used to test your web applications. It has more than 5000 web application vulnerabilities data stored in its database. Acunetix can scan your website or web application for these vulnerabilities. Some of these vulnerabilities include Blind SQL, SQL injection, XSS, or other new web attacks. It also includes PCI Compliance which is missing in other tools.
Aircrack or Aircrack-NG is used to check the computer security of your WiFi network. It is supported on all the various operating systems like Linux, Mac, Windows, etc. Some of the key features of Aircrack are:
- It mainly focuses on areas of WiFI Security. They will monitor all the packets and data which are received by your network to check for a network breach.
- Thanks to monitoring packets, you can easily recover network lost keys.
- You can also use this tool for network auditing.
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) is a free vulnerability scanner provided by Microsoft. It is ideal for testing your Windows server or windows computer for vulnerabilities. The key features of this tool are:
- You can use this tool to scan your network service packets. It is also capable of checking for security updates or other windows updates that are missing from your workstation.
- This tool is perfect for Windows users. It can easily help you to analyze for missing updates or security patches. You can also directly use it to install new security updates on your computer.
- This tool is good for small and medium-sized businesses. It is free also. Thus, your company can save some money in the security department.
- MBSA will also tell you how to fix these vulnerabilities. You don’t need to consult a security expert to get the vulnerabilities fixed.
Nexpose is an open-source tool. Thus, you can use it for free. It is widely used by security experts for vulnerability scanning. Thanks to the Github community, all the new vulnerabilities are included in the Nexpose database. Some of the key features are:
- You can use this tool with the Metasploit Framework.
- This tool does a very detailed scanning of your web application. It will take into account various factors before generating its report.
- It will also categorize vulnerabilities according to their risk level. There are three categories: low, medium, and high.
- The tool is capable enough to scan new devices. Thus, your network will remain more secure.
- The tool is updated every week. Thus, it can easily find the latest hazards which can affect your network security.
These are the best tools for vulnerability scanning. You can use them to make your network and web applications more secure. Thus, it will become harder for hackers to hack your web applications.
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