System Performance Management or SPM has become a key IT discipline in recent times. There are various ways available in the market through which you can measure your system health. You shouldn’t wait for a crisis to learn how healthy your network is. Most of the enterprises are concerned about their IT networks.
Your business website is the most important key to your business ROI. If your website is down, then your clients will move to your competitor site. Thus, companies are demanding a 24/7 assessment of their network performance. They want to make sure that they are always online. Various SPM software vendors are creating powerful applications. These applications are used to collect and analyze operational metrics.
These applications are very important for IT companies. The nature of modern computing is changing day by day. Now there is no need to buy a bunch of hardware and set up your website server n your closet. You can use cloud applications, hosting applications, other offsite products, and SaaS products. The best thing about these solutions is that you can connect them with your mobile devices, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. IT companies need to understand the mitigate risk and performance trends. They should try to prevent any service interruptions before it even happens.
There is too much information available on the internet. It has become difficult to focus on important datasets. Thus, we have compiled a list of five important areas for which data analysis and collection is most important:
Your Network Health
This is the most basic area that everyone should already know. But, it is also the most complex area to analyze. In most of the big corporations, there are hundreds of networks to analyze. Thus, it becomes hard to analyze all the networks.
The most efficient way of checking your network health is by creating a network map. You should include all your IT services and assets on this network map. Thus, it will become very easy to assess your network. SPM experts must also include the location of your hardware and software on the map. They should also include the detail about the vendors that are involved and how different components are connected with each other. A good network map will also contain information like how each IT asset will impact the whole network. It looks like a very complicated step. But, it is important to perform this to make sure that other SPM functions properly.
Device Availability
Devices have become very reliable in recent years. In the past, most of the electronic devices only had a lifecycle of about 3-year. But, it has increased to 5-7 years in recent years.
Still, these devices can malfunction sometimes. It is important to understand that your mission-critical services can be at a risk due to this. Your IT department must know which device is providing which service. They should also understand what will happen if some device is unavailable.
If you have already created your network map, then you can easily check this. This assessment will help you in identifying your important devices. It will also help you in determining the redundant devices. Thus, you can improve your network efficiency. It will also help in reducing the cost of your network.
Security is important
Security is the most important thing while managing your network. There are various vulnerabilities available in the market that can take down your whole network. Thus, it is important to download security patches as soon as they are launched.
The only downside of downloading every patch is that your service will be unavailable for some time. Most security patches require you to restart your system. Even though you can restart your computer in seconds still it is important to schedule your updates. This will maximize your defense against any disruption.
Measure the Accurate Metrics
You may have the best server performance monitoring tools. But, if you are not checking the right information then it will become useless. Below are the top metrics that you should measure:
- Uptime: Uptime is simply for how long your network server has been running.
- Request per Second: RPS or Request per second is the number of requests that your server is receiving every second. This will help you in understanding your server load.
- Average Response Time: Your website loading speed matters. Most of the users expect results in seconds. By checking your server average response time, you will see how fast your servers are. Thus, you can also improve them.
- Error Rate: This is the rate of unsuccessful server requests. You have to keep this metric as down as possible. If any error is happening in your network, then you must identify its cause and eliminate it.
Hardware Warranties
Most people think that hardware warranties are useless in the cloud world. You can shift all your operations to cloud services. But, still, hardware warranties are relevant in the digital world. If your company has a large number of devices, then warranties will play a massive role in system uptime and cost containment. Your IT department must have full knowledge about which assets are covered. They should also understand the performance functions that can cause failure.
It is always hard to manage your network on your own. You can’t take SPM or Service Performance Management lightly. Thus, you should hire a quality provider like Bleuwire. Their expertise will help you by delivering correct technologies. They will also shorten the learning curve. Thus, your IT department can learn about new technologies easily. The Return on Investment for SPM has become very significant. Thus, it is best to invest your money in SPM services.
Contact us today to learn about Bleuwire™ services and solutions in how we can help your business.