Cloud computing is growing with time. COVID-19 outbreak has actually accelerated the growth of this industry. Most companies are now moving their data to the cloud platforms. There are many advantages of using cloud platforms like cost-saving, efficiency, and performance. Also, it will ensure that your employees can work remotely from their homes. This is very important as most people are working remotely from their homes now.
You can choose between SaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. However, you need to improve your cloud efficiency. You can implement a lot of cloud optimization techniques for improving application performance. This will help you in controlling your cloud costs. In this article, we are going to share some simple tricks that will help you in optimizing your cloud.
Evaluate other applications and features
Cloud service providers are deploying new features and applications for their customers. You can use these new services for improving your cloud performance. However, these additional services and features will increase your cloud costs. It will also impact the cloud platform. You should always evaluate all the additional services that are available. It is important to find the services that will help you in optimizing your cloud.
Cloud Auto-scaling feature
Cloud computing will ensure that you can avail of the computing resources and storage space that you need. However, you still need to ensure that you are scaling the cloud resources according to your business needs. Most cloud providers are offering the auto-scaling option to their users. This will ensure that all your applications have enough resources available to them. You can also specify the maximum and minimum sizes of the instance pool. Cloud providers will also ensure that you can set the scaling metrics.
Focus on managing instances
You need to decide the size of the instances before moving your applications to the cloud platform. The best thing about the cloud platform is that you can increase your virtual server instances size. This will ensure that you can meet your business demands. However, you can’t improve your cloud efficiency without managing your virtual instances. You should define metrics and rules. This will help you in reducing unused instance capacity.
Choose the latest cloud deployment model
Every cloud service provider is trying to provide better services to their customers. Thus, they are launching better cloud deployment models for their customers. These new cloud deployment models can help you in simplifying cloud migration. It will also help you in optimizing the performance of your cloud server. You should move to the latest cloud infrastructures. This will help you in running your applications more efficiently. For example, most companies are hosting their web applications and mobile apps on their cloud platform. You can improve the user experience by using content delivery networks or CDNs.
Use Latest WANOP Systems
The latest WANOP systems are better when compared to traditional systems. These systems can also support cloud-based applications. You can use these systems for optimizing both bandwidth and traffic. They will act like a virtual service that will help you in optimizing your traffic and bandwidth. The best thing about these systems is that you can easily embed them with cloud platforms. It will also allow you to manage the traffic flow. You can implement custom load balancing policies for managing the traffic flow.
Optimize the cloud storage
Many IT managers forget about optimizing their cloud storage. If you want to improve your overall cloud efficiency, then you should also focus on optimizing your cloud storage. These optimizations will help you in controlling and managing data. Most organizations are collecting large volumes of data from multiple sources. They are using this data for training their datasets models. Thus, it is better to store this data on a cloud platform. You should create multiple data tiers. Make sure that you are storing relevant data in the data tier. However, you should distribute the cloud workload between flash and spinning disks. This will ultimately help you in improving data control and storage. It will help you in optimizing the cloud storage.
Implement cloud caching services
You need data for running your applications. However, storage devices are mostly very slow when compared to the CPU. A cache is simply a copy of data that you are accessing frequently. This data will be stored in the cache which is actually the fastest possible storage. Also, it will be located close to your applications. This will ensure that your applications can quickly access the data they need. They can directly access the cached information from the fastest possible storage. Most cloud providers are already offering cache services to their customers.
However, the cache can actually cause some problems if you are changing the original data. Thus, you need to ensure that you are updating the cache contents. Your MSP partner can help you in the designing process. They will follow the best principles for designing this process.
Use cloud optimization services and tools
There are various cloud monitoring tools available in the market. These tools will help you in monitoring the performance of your cloud platform. You can use these tools for assessing and monitoring your cloud performance. These tools will help you in optimizing your cloud performance. It will ensure that you are taking the right steps. Many MSPs can also help you in optimizing your cloud efficiency. Experienced MSPs like Bleuwire can help you in migrating to the cloud platform. They will also ensure that everything is running smoothly. Your partner can help you manage your cloud platform. This will ensure that your cloud will perform optimally.
If you are moving your data and applications to the cloud, then you need to invest your resources, fund, and time. These are some simple cloud optimization techniques that will help you in improving your cloud efficiency. Thus, you can enjoy a higher ROI or return on investment. These tips will also help you in improving the performance of the applications that are hosted on the cloud. You can optimize the performance of your applications by following these tips. However, it is very hard to implement these tips. Thus, you should consider working with an MSP like Bleuwire. They can help you in optimizing your cloud. If you need more tips regarding cloud efficiency, then you can contact Bleuwire.
Contact us today to learn about Bleuwire™ services and solutions in how we can help your business.