Data breaches have become more common with time. According to the latest report from Kaspersky Lab, more than 75% of businesses have suffered a hacking attack. Companies like Sony and Reddit have fallen victim to cyberattacks. Hackers are using complex methods for hacking into enterprise networks.
Imagine you are using two-factor authentication for protecting your corporate accounts. Attackers can use a technique known as SMShing for hacking into your employee accounts. Hackers can use such kind of attacks for gaining access to your corporate data. You can avoid such kind of data breaches by increasing your network security. First, your IT and business leaders should work together. They should figure which security measures are important for your company. You can follow the below steps for improving your cybersecurity approach.
Business-IT alignment
According to the latest survey by Telstra, only 36% of board members think that cybersecurity is very important. More than 35% of board members think that it is important. But, still, only 17% of board members were involved in taking cybersecurity initiatives.
The involvement of IT is expanding in every business. Most of the business relies on its IT infrastructure for their business operations. Thus, it is important to align your business goals and IT objectives. Cybercrime costs are rising around the world. Thus, even the enterprise’s leaders have started to recognize these attacks. Your cybersecurity experts must communicate with your board members. This will help your IT department in developing a proper cybersecurity plan.
Cybersecurity training and awareness
Training is one the fastest way to improve your network security. Most companies think that it is only a compliance box. But, if you are doing it correctly, then it will help you to reach your security goals. Technology is rapidly changing with time. Technologies like AI are helping us in improving our efficiency. But, still, humans play an important role in securing your cyberspace. You should give basic security tips to your employees. This will help them in tackling simple attacks like phishing. Your awareness program must include these topics:
- The importance of using updated software
- Taking regular backup
- The importance of using antivirals
- Basic security terms like phishing and social engineering
- How to handle critical security situations?
- Safe browsing practices
Also, you need to ensure that your employees are following these practices. This will help you in improving the security level of your organization.
Analyze your resources
Attackers are always trying to target the most important data of organizations. Thus, it is important to focus on your sensitive data and critical assets. More than 80% of data breaches occur due to weak passwords. Thus, it is important to make sure that your employees are using strong passwords. They can use third party tools for creating strong passwords. You should also provide protection to your employee accounts. More than 40% of companies don’t provide any protection to their employee accounts. Hence, attackers can easily hack into these accounts. Most of the companies don’t know where their important data is stored.
Companies are using cloud technology for sharing and accessing business information. Thus, critical assets can be accessed from anywhere in the world. It is important to perform a risk assessment of your entire network. This will help you in developing new security tactics. These tactics will help you in achieving recovery and continuity in the event of any security breach.
Monitor your systems
It is important to regularly monitor your system for vulnerabilities. There are various vulnerability scanners that you can use for scanning your system. Your IT department can patch these vulnerabilities. But, vulnerability scanning is not enough to protect your whole company. The threat landscape is changing with time. Thus, you must be ready to address new threats. You can follow these steps for improving your approach:
- Regularly scan your system for new vulnerabilities
- Prioritize known vulnerabilities, according to their impact
- Adapt an efficient mitigation process for dealing with vulnerabilities
Risk management approach
Companies that have a good track record in cybersecurity already know that they can’t secure their entire network. It is impossible to secure your organization from every possible attack. Thus, they use a risk management approach for improving their security. It is similar to the approach used by the insurance sector.
If you have a risk-based approach, then your security team will audit your whole organization. They will find where the most valuable data is secured. After that, they will give high priority to these critical resources. This will help you in decreasing the impact of cyber attacks.
Protect your PII
Attackers are using email for targeting your employees. More than 200k new malware samples are produced every day. Every one email out of 130 emails is infected by hackers. Most of these emails actually contain ransomware software. Ransomware can lock your system data. You need to pay money for getting your data back. Most of the people still don’t know about these attacks. More than 80% of people click on unknown or malicious links. Thus, these people are an easy target for attackers. They can use ransomware to encrypt your personal or important data. You need to pay a huge amount of money to get your data back. It is important to make sure that personal data is secured. You can create a backup of your sensitive data. This will ensure that you can always recover your data.
Cybersecurity is becoming more important with time. Most of the companies rely on their IT infrastructure for doing their business operations. Thus, it is important to make sure that all critical applications are secured. You can use the above tips for improving your strategy. Ensure that your organization is protected from cyberattacks. If you need more tips regarding cybersecurity, then you can contact Bleuwire.
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