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IT Staff: How to Properly Promote Your System Administrators

By August 24, 2018November 2nd, 2018No Comments5 min read

The IT world continues to evolve. Do your employees stay on the ball? Regular training and changing responsibilities not only help your IT staff with their daily work, but also benefit your company as a whole. We share our practical experience: this is the right way to act if you want to promote your IT employees.

Worry about your job with your IT staff!

Some system administrators fear the change in the company, for example, triggered by innovations such as cloud computing. Because if there are no more local systems, the workload is reduced and the task area is limited. There are fewer servers and hardware that your employees have to wait for. Instead, more and more systems are running externally with cloud providers without their own IT having access to them. Does your company still need qualified specialists? Naturally!

Well-trained professionals are essential for qualified support. Understanding relationships and making the right decisions secures investment and is worth the money. In addition, IT is on the move. Security and networked systems are becoming more important and more complex.

Encourage and demand: New areas of application through training

Instead of screwing around at the machines, your experts then develop security concepts, train your other employees or take care of system improvements. That’s what they’re trained for – and you can do a lot in this direction with funding and training.

At the latest after two to three years, you should offer your administrators further education. Even better are annual discussions on employee development. In it, you set an extraordinary training budget that your IT staff can choose. In which direction the topic should go, you can decide together. Ideally, of course, is training that interests your employee and that is useful for working in the company.

Individual promotion is a must. Some admins continue to train on their own. Here you can express your consent as a superior with days off or extra leave. Or you organize a joint training in the team to learn from each other. It depends on the motivation: Does your employee want more recognition from the team or is he in love with a certain topic or is there any argument for the next salary negotiation? These legitimate reasons play a big role in the choice of funding.

Developing IT staff: There are these possibilities

  • Classical training courses or continuing education courses: In these classic development opportunities, an employee trains externally. There are numerous offers for each department. So you can choose together what suits best to the skillset and the interests of your employee.
  • Job Enrichment instead of eternal monotony! System administrators often have the same topics, routines, and user queries over weeks and months. Job enrichment gives employees new responsibilities for small projects, such as individual projects. Projects outside of one’s own scope increase understanding and create variety.
  • Involve your administrators through practical workshops, eg on the project implementation, which is carried out by their IT service providers. Knowledge transfer can work wonders and creates a great experience for your IT staff.

They should not only promote their employees, but also demand them. Give your system administrators more responsibility for their area of expertise. For example, make suggestions for improving individual areas and give freedoms for independent implementation. Try-and-error is incredibly important in IT. With a clear perspective and the prospect of more money, praise or development, your Information technology staff will be happy to work for you.

Our practical knowledge: this is how we support our IT staff

Those who trust their employees a lot get back a lot. Every day, we notice the impact of trust in IT staff. The golden rules of employee management are important to us:

  • We nurture talent and interests and regularly assign tasks that are new to the employee – thus we create space for personal development.
  • The right leadership involves a lot of trust and motivation. We promote independent work.
  • Our employees pursue personal and professional goals.
  • Respect and recognition are the nuts and bolts of every business relationship.
  • We pay for the hard work of our employees appropriately.

We pay for the hard work of our employees appropriately.

Conclusion: individually support IT personnel

When IT support in the company generalists are in demand. For small and medium-sized companies, it is rarely worth employing their own experts for IT security or data recovery. These tasks are performed by the system administrator duties. Regular training and interdisciplinary tasks are a great way to bring more expertise to your business. By investing in good education, you can help your IT staff and improve employee satisfaction. To score even further, give your system administrators responsibility, recognition, and respect. So you are prepared for the future as a team!

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