What are Solid State Drives?
Solid State Drive or SSD is a storage component used in computers and laptops to store information conveniently. The convenience arises in using SSD because the information is stored in microchips. Hence, like a USB memory stick, there are no mechanical arms to help the user gain access to information. The user has the advantage of much faster speed of obtaining information through the usage of SSD.
Solid State Drives are the result of recent multifold development in the field of technology. Currently, it is possible for the users to store their information electronically in non-volatile memory. This means that after the computer is switched off, the information will not get lost.
SSD utilizes NAND technology. This is a flash memory. According to this technology, there are floating gate transistors at the lowest level. All the gates are organized in a definitive manner, which is – first into a pattern, then blocks of various sizes and then rows of grids of blocks which is called the ‘page’. All theses gates have the function of recording the charge or absence of charge to store data.
What are Hard Disk Drives?
Hard Disk Drive or HDD is more than sixty years old technology that stores data on a rotating platter. In order to do so, the HDD uses the technique of magnetism. The rotating platter has a reading or writing head over it which works with an actuator arm.
It depends upon the speed of the rotating platter that decides the speed at which HDD works. The higher the speed of the rotating platter, the higher the speed at which the data will be stored. One of the fastest HDDs has such platters rotating at 15,000 Rotation Per Minute (RPM).
Moreover, all HDDs consist I/O controller and firmware which functions as the communicator and the controller of all components and actions of the system respectively.
HDDs are formed by dividing the platter into concentric circles called ‘tracks’ which are further divided into ‘sectors’. The tracks and sectors produce a unique address for the storage information process. An algorithm in the system, checks for errors in the given data and only after that, the information is stored.
Solid State Drives vs Hard Disk Drives
Both technologies are used as storage components. It depends upon the user and his or her necessities of using the storage technologies in order to decide which drive is more suitable. For the sake of easy comparison, all the important elements of SSD and HDD are compared and discussed below.
- SSD vs HDD and Price –
One of the biggest differences between the two is with regard to the prices. SSD is comparatively much more expensive than HDD. This is because the cost of each gigabyte is placed at approximately $0.20 in SSD while and the gigabytes in HDD are placed at approximately $0.03 per gigabyte.
This shows that if a user has to buy storage space worth 1TB, an HDD will cost around $40-$60 and an SSD will cost $125
Therefore, the user can get the most capacity for the money he or she spends by choosing to use HDD storage component.
- SSD vs HDD and Capacity –
The next most important difference between the two storage components is related to the capacities of each. Initially, SSD has an advantage over HDD because, in the former, the information is shrunk and stored in smaller microchips. This leads to the invention and usage of thinner laptops. However, limitation arises in the usage of microchips to store information as only a limited amount of information can be shrunk and stored.
In such a scenario, the users prefer to use HDD. This is because the technological make-up of HDD allows it to offer 500GB and maximum 2TB space for notebook size drives and maximum 10TB space for desktops.
- SSD vs HDD and Durability –
As stated above, the SSD is more like a USB memory stick. The HDD, on the other hand, is made up of various components including the spinning platter, the actuator arm, the motor, etc. Therefore, in case, the laptop or laptop bag falls down, the probability of SSD breaking down is way lesser than that of HDD.
- SSD vs HDD and Speed –
The greatest difference between SSD and HDD is that of speed. The invention and corresponding development of SSDs over the years has been majorly related to its speed. Moreover, STATA III bottleneck has now been removed. This allows SSD to gain even faster speed of recording data.
The most basic and in-budget HDDs have the capability of working at a speed of 5,400 RPM that is, 100 MB/sec. Even the most advanced HDD will only work at a speed of 15,000 RPM.
SSD, on the other hand, works at a speed which is 30% faster than HDD. The speed ranges between 500-600 MB/sec and with advancement, it can go up to even 2.2 GB/sec
- SSD vs HDD and Energy Consumption –
It is equally important for the user to make sure how much energy can he or she work with while choosing between SSD or HDD. HDD takes up power in the range of 6-7 watts while SSD takes up power in the range of 2-3 watts. Consequently, in order to be efficient energy-wise, it is recommended that SSD be used.
It all comes down to the needs of the user for choosing between the two storage components. The business organization, like any individual user, will have its own reasons for opting for one or the other. Since whichever storage component the workplace uses, they will be used in multiple numbers, the decision will depend upon the following reasons:
- The budget of the organization
- Usage of multimedia and heavy downloading
- The field in which the organization works. For example, graphic art or engineering fields will opt for HDD whereas audio engineers and musicians will opt for SSD.
- The rate at which the organization needs the work to be done
Overall, HDD proves to have an upper hand while being chosen by the business organization due to their cheaper rates, heavy downloading capacity, and appropriate speed. Yet, in case the business organization is unable to opt for anyone due to complexities in workloads, it is recommended that those storage components should be used that is a combination of SSD and HDD allowing the organization to have more convenience in data storage.
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