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Top 5 of the Most Important IT Trends for 2019

By December 2, 2018No Comments7 min read

Numerous analysts have already published their forecasts for the top IT trends in 2019. Now we would like to introduce our top 5 of the most important IT trends for the year 2019. The technology continues to develop so rapidly that today’s trends could turn out tomorrow as mayflies. Therefore, we now only want to introduce you to the trends that are guaranteed to be relevant in 2019 and offer a lot of potential for the next few years.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for quite some time on everyone’s lips. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence is even in almost every software – even though we often do not recognize it as such. Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines or robots to perform tasks that previously could only be done by human intelligence.

These include, for example, autonomous vehicles or predictive maintenance technology. But also hyper-targeting, the personalized automation of advertisements as well as the adaptation of the advertising contents to the individual user are application examples of artificial intelligence.

The fact that artificial intelligence is increasingly gaining in importance is also shown by numerous studies that have dealt with the topic. For example, market research firm Tractica forecasts global sales of approximately $ 4.8 billion in business applications for artificial intelligence by 2020. A look at the forecast for the year 2025 shows how relevant artificial intelligence is with regard to companies. This is already estimated at around 31 billion US dollars in sales.

The advantages for companies through the use of artificial intelligence are obvious. Simplified workflows, error reduction and economic benefits are just a few of them. Fact is: AI creates efficiency for companies and holds many new opportunities. Although AI-based developments are not new, they are also the top trend in the IT industry in 2019.

“Worldwide sales of approximately $ 4.8 billion in business applications for artificial intelligence are expected by 2020.”

2. Blockchain

Blockchain has already become a hot topic across the IT industry. But what exactly is a blockchain? Originally, blockchain technology was developed in close conjunction with the crypto-currency Bitcoin to control monetary values and information.

A blockchain is a kind of decentralized database that manages a long list of constantly growing transaction records. As the number of transactions grows chronologically, the blockchain technology is similar to a chain that adds new elements at the end. Once a block is complete, the next block containing a checksum of the previous block is generated. Since each block refers to the previously created block, it is impossible to subsequently manipulate the transactions without damaging the integrity of the overall system.

The special feature of the Blockchain technology is thus the possibility of a secure transaction, without central control, without mutual trust, and with complete transparency. Accountants or bank employees who have access to unencrypted transaction data no longer matter here.

All in all, it can be said that Blockchain technology completely revolutionizes the way in which sensitive information and monetary values are handled. In today’s world, as demands for data security and transparency grow louder, Blockchain is definitely one of the top IT trends of 2019. In the long run, blockchain technology could forever change our present perception of transactions.

“The special thing about Blockchain technology is the possibility of a secure transaction, without central control, without mutual trust, and with complete transparency.”

3. Edge Computing

In the future, edge computing will play an important key role, especially with regard to the Internet of Things (IoT). While edge computing is by no means a new invention, it will become more relevant over the next few years due to the dramatic increase in data volume.

The term “edge” literally means corner or border. This vocabulary is closely related to computing in edge computing. This does not take place centrally in the cloud storage, but decentrally at the edge of the network.

The increasing relevance lies in the fact that edge computing is intended to serve as the architecture concept for IoT environments. Latency-intensive and sensor-based applications require a trouble-free connection of the respective terminals to the data center.

An example of this is autonomous vehicles. It is very important to be able to react to this during the process of creating the data. However, this requires data processing in real time, ie without latency. Edge computing meets these needs and is one of the IT trends for 2019, given the growth in data and IoT technologies.

“The increasing relevance lies in the fact that Edge Computing should serve as an architectural concept for IoT environments.”

4. Digital twins

In the context of Industry 4.0, the digital twin has already become an integral part. The term “digital twin” means a virtual image of real objects, such as machines, tools or products.

A digital twin does not necessarily have to represent a physical object. Digital twins can also be a virtual replica of immaterial things, such as a service. Specifically, a digital twin is a software unit that has all the essential elements of the real system and acts the same way.

With the help of so-called virtual sensors, a detailed overview of the system status, service life prognosis and wear profile of a product is possible. This makes it possible to test and optimize the simulation and validation of product properties already at the planning stage.

The idea of the digital twin concept was born at NASA, since tests with real rockets and airplanes are extremely cost-intensive. Meanwhile, the digital twin is used in all industries. As a result, entire factories are mapped to virtually control the entire production process.

Overall, the digital twin helps companies in all industries to become more resource-efficient and more innovative. US market research firm Gartner estimates there will be more than 20 billion connected sensors and endpoints by 2020. Potentially, the digital twin will exist for billions of things in the future, making it one of the top IT trends.

“The digital twin helps companies in all industries to become more resource-efficient and innovative.”

5. Quantum computing

Quantum Computing (QC) operates on the quantum state of subatomic particles, such as electrons and ions. These subatomic particles represent information as elements, which are then called quantum bits (or qubits). Qubits, unlike bits, can take on more states than just 0 and 1. So you can also have two states at the same time – about 0 and 1. This increases the computing power significantly.

“Overall, a quantum computer can solve certain problems much faster than a classic computer, thanks to its parallel execution and exponential scalability.”

The development of quantum computing is still in its infancy. Companies like Google or IBM already have prototypes and experts classify quantum computing as one of the IT trends of the next few years.

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