The remote workforce is becoming very important in recent time. Companies are already seeing the effect of coronavirus. They are trying to protect their employees from the coronavirus outbreak. Thus, many employees are working from home. There are many challenges that these employees need to deal with. Some of the challenges are communication challenges, visual reviews, and management. In this article, we are going to talk about essential tools for remote workers.
This is an excellent tool for doing video conferencing. You can’t have meetings during the coronavirus outbreak. Thus, most companies are going to use video conferencing for doing meetings. You can run your entire company meetings by using this tool. It will ensure that you can do meetings during the coronavirus outbreak. Thus, you can still take important decisions during this pandemic. You can see everyone in video conferencing. If someone is sick in your team, then they can spread the virus to everyone in your office. Thus, it is important to ensure that everyone is working from their home. This will help the government in containing the virus. If you are using video conferencing for doing meetings, then your infected employees can’t infect other people. Also, this tool supports most things like presentation slides. You can get their basic account for free. However, companies should go for their premium plans. This will ensure that you can hold large meetings.
Most companies are still using email for internal communication. However, this is not a good idea. You need to deal with thousands of unwanted emails. It is time to switch to better team communication tools. Slack is the most famous team communication in the market. It will allow you to send messages to your team members. Also, you can setup custom channels according to the subject matter. If you want to talk about sales, then you can set up a sales channel.
These channels will help you in organization conversations according to projects. This will ensure that only important people can check the message. If someone is not involved in the project, then they can only check the status in the channel. Thus, they don’t need to waste their time checking every message.
Slack is also offering a free version of their tool. However, you should invest in buying their premium version. Your plan will depend on the number of employees you have.
Google Drive
This is the perfect tool for sharing files with your co-workers. It is important to share files with your employees during this coronavirus outbreak. .You can use Drive for sharing your Microsoft files, videos, audio recordings, and images. It will also help you in organizing these files in different folders. Thus, you can access them from any location in the world.
Google is offering many amazing tools to its users. Thus, they are offering their own version of Office. You can use tools like Google Slides, Spreadsheet, and Doc for working on your files. This will allow your remote workers to collaborate at the same time. They can edit and change the file in real-time. Also, they can add comments to these documents.
If you are looking for a powerful project management tool, then this software is perfect for you. Most remote workers are using this tool for managing their projects. This too will help you in creating new tasks. Also, it will help you in assigning roles to your team members. You can also add a deadline for every project. This will ensure that your team members know about their roles.
You can also add your comments on different tasks. The best thing about this tool is that you can integrate with other 3rd-party tools. If you have a small team of 15 people, then you can use the free version of this tool. However, enterprises should buy the premium version of this tool.
If you are looking for a free project management tool, then Trello is perfect for you. Trello will help you in creating new projects and assigning roles. You can also set a deadline for every task. Thus, your team members will know everything about their project. There are also various amazing design templates available in this tool. You can use them for changing the background of this tool.
The coronavirus outbreak is also affecting small businesses. Their employees can’t come to the office. Thus, they have to rely on remote workers. However, most of these tools are expensive for small businesses. If you have a small business, then Trello is the perfect tool for you. You don’t need to buy any expensive project management tool. Trello will help you in managing your projects.
Coschedule is a perfect tool for marketers. This app provides various marketing services to its users. You can use tools like Headline Analyzer. It will help you in finding the perfect headline for your article. Coschedule is also offering a project management tool to its users.
This tool will help you in creating your marketing plan. It will also help you in managing your projects. You can use it for collaborating with your team members. Many bloggers are using it for planning their blog posts.
The coronavirus outbreak is becoming more serious with time. It is forcing people to work remotely from their home. Thus, it is important to find the perfect tools for your employees. These tools will help you in managing your employees. Your employees can use these tools for managing your projects. Also, they can easily share important files with other workers. This will help them in collaborating with other team members. You can use tools like Zoom for doing meetings with your employees. This will help you in ensuring that your employees are safe. It is important to protect your employees from this outbreak. Thus, it is a good idea to let them work remotely. If you want more information regarding these tools, then you can contact Bleuwire.
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