Every small business will have some security systems in place. You might be using a free antivirus for protecting your systems. Most computer systems come with an in-built firewall. You can use multi-factor authentication on online platforms for protecting your accounts. However, these simple security controls can’t protect your business once it grows in size.
After the inflection point, there is no guarantee that your existing security system will scale with your business. Most SMBs will go through this phase. It is important to create a security strategy for your business. However, most SMBs are confused between retaining the existing security controls and implementing a new security strategy. You can outsource your IT security needs to experienced MSPs. If you already have an in-house IT team, then you can ask them to create a security strategy.
Cyber security is always going to be a big challenge for modern businesses. It is especially difficult when your business is growing. In this article, we are going to share some tips which will help you in building a cybersecurity strategy for your business.
Definition of a Cybersecurity Strategy
An IT security strategy is simply a blueprint of how you will protect your assets. It will help you in minimizing your cybersecurity risks. Cybersecurity policies are generally very detailed. However, cybersecurity strategies are high-level plans. You can execute these strategies in the next 3-5 years. They are policy documents that will help you in implementing a cybersecurity strategy. This document will also change with time according to the changing threat landscape and business processes.
If you want to transition from a reactive approach to a proactive approach, then cybersecurity strategy is a must for your business. A cybersecurity strategy will help you in becoming proactive. It will ensure that you are ready to deal with the challenges and uncertainties that can arise in the modern working environment. A documented IT security strategy will offer guidance and structure. This will ensure that you can stay prepared. Also, it will help you in avoiding confusion during real cyber attacks.
Cybersecurity Goals
If you want to create a cybersecurity strategy, then you should start by defining your cybersecurity goals. This will ensure that you can create a good IT security strategy.
The first goal of a cybersecurity strategy is to prevent any data breaches from happening. This is the most important goal that you need to achieve.
Your second cybersecurity goal is to limit the damage of cyberattacks. If you can’t prevent an attack, then you should focus on containing the damage. Most SMBs only focus on prevention. They will use the latest IT security tools for protecting their network. However, still, it is impossible to prevent a data breach. Sometimes a simple phishing attack is enough. Thus, you should also focus on containing an attack.
Your third cybersecurity goal is to restore your system and data. You have to ensure that your IT network is again up and running. This is a very important IT security goal as it will align with your business goals. The main goal is to minimize downtime.
How to prevent cyberattacks?
Endpoint security
Endpoints are the entry points to your networks. These are the devices like mobile devices, laptops, and desktops that are connected with your network. Endpoint devices are the most vulnerable devices that are connected to your network. Your end-users can make simple mistakes like opening malicious attachments or clicking on fake links.
You can protect your network by using endpoint security tools. These endpoint security tools started as anti-malware and antivirus software only. However, these tools have become much more advanced with time. They can help you in dealing with zero-day exploits also. Securing the endpoint is the first step that you have to take. This will ensure that all the endpoints are secure. After this, you can focus on protecting other devices present in your network.
Implement Multi-factor authentication
Social engineering, password hacks, and data breaches are becoming more common with time. It is difficult to deal with these attacks. Attackers can use simple attacks for stealing your passwords. Thus, passwords are not secure.
If you want to protect your business data, then you should implement MFA. MFA is a simple solution that will help you in protecting your user accounts from attackers. It will ensure that your network is protected from simple brute force attacks. You don’t need to worry about brute force or phishing attacks. Attackers can’t access your network even if they get access to your employee’s credentials.
Patch management
Software updates and patches are released by software vendors to deal with security vulnerabilities. You can protect your network by applying these patches. This will help you in preventing attackers from using known attacks for hacking into your systems. Zero-day attacks are very rare. Attackers will generally use known attacks for attacking your network. Thus, all you need to do is download software patches and updates. This simple thing will help you in protecting your business from most attackers.
WannaCry ransomware is the most common example of poor patch management. Attackers used a known vulnerability in Windows operating system for infiltrating business networks. Microsoft had released the patch for the vulnerability. However, most SMBs don’t have a patch management system. Thus, their network was still vulnerable to the known vulnerability. They lost millions of dollars due to this ransomware attack.
Harden your network security
Your network is the most important part of your IT infrastructure. If someone has access to your network, then they have access to all your devices and data. Thus, network security is the most important part of your cybersecurity strategy.
You should proactively identify and deal with network security threats. This will help you in meeting your security and privacy goals. It will also help you in enhancing your network efficiency. You can use network security systems like Firewall, Intrusion Detection systems (IDS), and Network Access control for improving your network security. These solutions will help you in defending your network against threats.
Use mobile device management system
MDM is a security tool that will help you in managing mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops. It is an efficient and practical tool that will help you in managing, securing, tracking, and monitoring all your mobile devices from a single platform. This is very important as most employees are using mobile devices in the workplace. Thus, you should use MDM for protecting your data. It will help you in regulatory compliance and data security.
Use Virtual Private Network
A VPM will help you in accessing your business resources and networks from any remote location in the world. Attackers can’t steal your data if you are using a VPN connection. A VPN will help you in encrypting all your data and connections. It will provide both privacy and security to you while you access your business resources. This is a very important tool for your business as it will ensure that your employees can work from anywhere in the world.
Implement Physical security controls
Many business owners think that physical security controls won’t help them in preventing cyber threats. However, physical security controls are very important for your business. It will help you in mitigating security risks like physical attacks, vandalism, and theft. You can use physical security controls like video monitoring and biometric locks for protecting your network. It will help you in preventing unauthorized physical access to your important network devices. You should focus on protecting physical devices like switches, routers, and servers.
How to Contain and Mitigate cyber attacks?
Use network segmentation
Network segmentation simply means that you will segment your network into different sections. This will help you in containing attackers in a small network segment. Each network segment will have its own security controls. The best thing about network segmentation is that you can use different security controls for protecting your important network segments. This will help you in containing security breaches and preventing them from spreading to the entire network.
Use Zero Trust Security model
This is another amazing security model which will help you in protecting your network. Most companies are moving towards the cloud. Thus, the Zero Trust security model is very important for every business. It will help you in handling advanced threats by not trusting the devices that are present in your network. Your devices need to first verify their identity.
Use Principle of least privilege
This security model will help you in limiting the damage caused by a data breach. It will also help you in preventing data breaches. In this, you will limit the user access and permissions to the resources that are important for them. This will ensure that your employees can’t access your sensitive data. Make sure that only key stakeholders have access to sensitive data.
Use Identity and Access Management (IAM) Solutions
IAM solutions will help you in identifying, authorizing, and authenticating users who have access to your IT resources. This will help you in protecting your business from attackers. The main goal of IAM solutions is to provide the right access to the right user. This will ensure that your employees have access to the right device and data only. You can protect your enterprise by ensuring that the right employees have access to the right resources.
How to recover your business from security breaches?
Implement a Disaster recovery plan
Disaster recovery and business continuity plans will help you in recovering your business from security breaches. Disasters like floods, earthquakes, and cyber-attack can completely disrupt your business. It is important to ensure that your business can still operate during a disaster. Your DR plan will help you in recovering your business from these disasters.
This plan will lay down the steps that you need to follow for ensuring that your business can survive the disaster. You should ensure that you can recover your business to an acceptable working level as soon as possible. The main aim of disaster recovery is to mitigate the damage caused by cyber-attacks. Business continuity will ensure that you can secure your critical assets. You also need to focus on continuing your business operations.
Every business should have a disaster recovery and business continuity plan. No security system can actually provide 100% security to your business. Even the best tech company in the world can be compromised. Thus, SMBs don’t stand a chance against attackers. You should ensure that you can recover and restore your business from a disaster. It will help you in running your business with minimal disruption.
You can follow the tips mentioned in this article for protecting your network. These security tools and systems will help you in creating a robust cybersecurity strategy. However, make sure that you are not stopping here. Cyberattacks are becoming more serious and sophisticated with time. The volume of cyberattacks is also increasing with time. Organizations are also adopting new technologies, processes, and applications for increasing their efficiency. Thus, the attack surface is also increasing. You should also focus on creating a security-conscious culture. This will ensure that your business is protected from social engineering and phishing attacks.
It is difficult to implement all these security strategies. You need access to a large IT security team for managing your cybersecurity. Thus, you should consider working with a good MSP. Experienced MSPs like Bleuwire will help you in protecting your network from attackers. They will help you in creating a cybersecurity strategy for your business. This will ensure that you don’t need to worry about handling your own IT security. You will get access to the best IT security professionals. If you need more information regarding IT security services, then you should contact Bleuwire.
Contact us today to learn about Bleuwire™ services and solutions in how we can help your business.