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How Hospitals Can Benefit From Digital Transformation

By August 5, 2020No Comments6 min read
Digital Transformation Hospitals

Digital transformation is affecting every industry. Businesses are looking for methods that will help them in improving their work processes. The market of MSP has grown by 50% in last year. Most of these services are actually a boon for SMBs. They can use these services for competing with large enterprises. You can enjoy the benefits of modern technology by working with an MSP.

The digital transformation is helping hospitals in providing a better customer experience.

Most people already know about the benefits of digital transformation. However, in this article, we are going to talk about the latest digital solutions that hospitals can use.

  1. Big Data and Analytics

Data is the most important thing for modern businesses. If you are using the latest digital tools, then you can analyze this data. This will help you in making better business decisions.

Companies are using this technology for making informed decisions. In fact, more than 53% of businesses are using big data for shaping their business future.

Hospitals are using their data for providing a better customer experience. It will help you in making predictive analysis. Also, it will help you in figuring out the busiest times. You can prepare according to this data.

This will help you in increasing or decreasing your prices. Big data will help you in understanding your customer behaviors. Thus, you can use it for maximizing your profits.

This is just one small example of big data. You can use it for marketing your future customers. Hospitals can also use a feedback system for improving customer experience.

  1. Multiple Channels

Many companies already know the importance of having the presence of different platforms. This concept is also applicable to hospitals. In simple words, your customers can interact with your company whenever they want.

You can use social media apps and platforms for communicating with your customers. Hospitals need to have a good relationship with their customers. If you are not communicating with your customers, then it will be difficult to retain them.

According to a report by Forbes, more than 41% of customers stop using products if their issues don’t get resolved quickly. Companies that have access to strong social media presence can easily communicate with their customers.

Hospitals should try to use every digital channel. Companies that are using every digital channel will definitely be rewarded.

  1. Personalized Experience

Personalization is the latest buzzword in the IT industry. It is very important for hospitals. The healthcare sector is built around providing a great experience to the guests.

In the past, personal experiences were only taken seriously by high-end companies. However, now you can easily provide a personalized experience to the customers.

The latest technologies will help you in providing a personalized experience to your customers. Even small establishments can use these technologies.

For example, you can use big data for understanding your customer needs. This will help you in providing a better experience to your customers.

  1. IoT or Internet of Things

IoT is the next big thing in the IT world. It has revolutionized the work processes of companies.

IoT devices can also help you in communicating with your customers. Engagement with customers is the most important thing for hospitals. It has also changed with time.

You can control a lot of things by using these IoT devices. This concept is very important for hospitals. For example, people that are staying in a hotel can use these devices for controlling room temperature. They can also use their phone for controlling their TV. This is a growing trend in 2020.

IoT devices are also helping business owners. They can use it for monitoring purposes. You can also unify all these devices in one network. This will help you in tracking your devices. Also, you can easily maintain your devices.

If some device is not working properly, then you can easily detect it. This will help you in quickly solving the issue.

  1. AR or Augmented Reality

This is a very new technology. However, it is very important for hospitals. It was considered as an expensive investment in the past. But, companies are now adopting this latest technology.

This technology is becoming famous due to the increased demands of millennials. They want to get the best digital experience.

You can use augmented reality for showing your environment to the customers. This is perfect for hotels and location-wedding venues. For example, you can provide an augmented view of your location on your website.

  1. Digital Concierge

Hospitals don’t need to worry about heavy-set welcome packages that used to sit at the front desk. An e-concierge is a new concept. It has taken the whole healthcare sector by storm. This will help you in catering to customers by using the latest digital platforms.

In simple words, you can provide all the information that your guests need. Hotels already know that mobile will help them in providing a great experience.

If your customers have some doubts, then they can send a query to the chatbot. The main aim of the e-concierge is to streamline all the processes. This will ensure that your customer’s queries will easily get resolved.

According to a report by the Traveldailynews, more than 65% of customers want companies to be contactable through instant messaging communications. This number is only going to increase with time. Thus, it is the best time for digital transformation. These technologies will help you in providing a better customer experience. You can meet your customers’ needs by using digital concierge.


These are the most important digital solutions for hospitals. You can use these solutions for improving customer experience. It is important to connect with your customers. You can use digital platforms for communicating with your customers. However, most hospitals don’t have access to an in-house IT team. Thus, they can’t implement these latest digital solutions. If you don’t have access to an in-house IT department, then you should consider working with an MSP. Experienced MSPs like Bleuwire will help you in implementing these digital strategies and solutions. These digital solutions will help you in achieving your goals. If you want to know more about these latest digital solutions, then you can contact Bleuwire.

Contact us today to learn about Bleuwire™  services and solutions in how we can help your business.

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