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How to Optimize Workplace Productivity With Microsoft 365

By October 9, 2020November 12th, 2022No Comments6 min read
Microsoft 365

MS 365 is a very important product for your business. It can help you in increasing your workplace productivity. There are many advantages to using Microsoft 365. It will increase the productivity of your workplace.

The internet is helping businesses in becoming more efficient and faster. You can use communication and collaboration tools to increase your employee’s productivity. There are various file storage tools available in the market. Your employees can use these tools to send files to each other. Thanks to cloud technology, you can use your computer and the internet for these services. In this article, we will talk about how Microsoft 365 can improve workplace productivity.

What is MS 365?

MS 365 is a collection of business productivity tools from Microsoft. You can buy a subscription-based package from Microsoft. This suite contains tools like Windows 10, Enterprise Mobility + Security, Excel, Powerpoint, and Office 365. These tools are very important for modern businesses. Your employees can’t complete their work until they have access to these tools.

MS combined all their tools and apps in a single suite known as Office 365. They also combined the operating system and Enterprise mobility + security with these tools. Thus, you can buy everything in a single bundle. You can get these tools by buying Office 365 bundle:

Exchange Online

You can use exchange online to shift your email server to the cloud. However, there will be monthly fees for hosting your emails on the cloud.

Sharepoint online

Sharepoint online is an MS collaboration and cloud storage tool for enterprises. It will provide cloud storage for your business. Also, you will have access to data protection tools.

Microsoft Teams

Most people think that MS Team is only a video conferencing tool. However, it is a complete collaboration tool with multiple features. You can use persistent chat, voice, and video calls to communicate with your team members. This will help you in boosting workflow and communication between teammates.

Office Proplus

This will include all the basic Office desktop applications. You will have access to MS Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word, and access.


Enterprise Mobility + Security will provide more protection to your business data. It will protect your data from attackers. This tool has features like MDM and identity management.

You will also have access to the Windows operating system and tools like Planner and Yammer. These tools will make up the complete MS 365 package.

Benefits of Microsoft 365:

Access to familiar tools

Most people already know how to use MS office business and enterprise tools. They can quickly learn about these ProPlus tools. Your employees can use these tools to complete their work. Thus, it will increase the productivity of your workplace.

Work collaboration

Your employees can use Sharepoint online to work with each other. It will allow them to store and share files easily. This is a very helpful tool for increasing work collaboration. SharePoint will provide a secure environment for work. They can use it for working and collaborating with each other.

Work from mobile devices

You can use Office applications on your computers, tablets, and phones. This will help you in bringing mobile culture into your workplace. Your employees can use their mobile devices to complete their work quickly. They don’t need to access their laptop to do small tasks. Your employees can use different devices to complete their work. They can also work in different remote conditions. This will help you in surviving the current coronavirus pandemic. Most people are working remotely from their homes. These MS tools will ensure that your employees can work remotely from their homes. They don’t need to worry about visiting your office to complete their work.

Cloud-based shared storage

If you are using MS 365, then you don’t need to worry about creating duplicate files. You don’t need to worry about saving multiple versions of the same files. Your employees can directly store these files in your cloud-based storage. They can access these files from any remote location.

Build stronger teams

MS 365 will ensure that your team members can work on the same files. They can share their files with other employees. Also, your team members can use MS 365 for communication and collaboration.

You can use MS 365 for creating virtual teams of freelancers, consultants, and independent contractors. SharePoint Online will ensure that you and your employees can work on the same files.

Reduced Downtime

MS is offering cloud-based tools to their customers. You don’t need to install these tools. Also, you don’t need trained engineers and special licenses to use these tools. The best thing about this is that you don’t need to worry about updates and maintenance. This is a boon for most of startups. It will also help you in reducing the downtime. Thus, you can smoothly run your business.

Secure work environment

Security is very important for modern businesses. You need to protect your customer data from attackers. Data is the modern currency and you should try to protect it. You can use EM+S to increase your security level. It will reduce the possibility of a data and security breach. You can use the EM+S solution to protect your customer’s data from attacks and hackers.


These are the main benefits of using MS 365. It will help you in increasing your workplace productivity. You can increase your business productivity by buying the MS 365 suite. The best thing about MS 365 is that you only need to buy a small monthly subscription. This subscription will cover everything you need. However, you need access to an in-house IT team. If you don’t have an in-house IT team, you should work with an MSP. Experienced MSPs like Bleuwire can help you select the best Office 365 tools. They will help you in selecting the best suite for your business. If you need more information regarding MS 365 tools, then you can contact Bleuwire.

Contact us today to learn about Bleuwire™ services and solutions in how we can help your business.

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