There are many colocation data centers that are offering remote hands service. There are many benefits to these remote hands services. You don’t need to worry about maintenance tasks. The staff members at the colocation center will maintain your servers. Thus, you don’t need to worry about managing your IT servers. This can help companies by saving a lot of money. Your IT department doesn’t need to waste their time in managing your servers. Thus, they can focus on more important tasks like development work. These are the most common benefits of remote hands.
However, these services have become more important due to the coronavirus outbreak. Most employees can’t visit their office. Thus, these people are working from their homes now. This is helping companies in protecting their employees from this outbreak.
The Impact of Coronavirus
The coronavirus is already declared as a pandemic. Most stock markets are crashing due to this pandemic. There are many media sources that are live tracking the coronavirus infections. You can use these trackers for checking the virus movement.
Currently, there are more than 250k confirmed cases in the world. More than 10k people have died due to this deadly virus. There are more than 14k confirmed cases in the USA alone. Many countries are enforcing national lockdown. These measures will help governments in containing this virus.
This virus is very contagious. The graph of confirmed cases is currently exponential. Thus, it is becoming very hard to stop the spread of this virus. The only way to stop this virus is by finding the people that are affected by this virus. After that, the government needs to identify all the people that had been in contact with these patients. The government is asking them to self-isolate from the world for two weeks. This will ensure that they are not spreading this virus. Many patients don’t even show any coronavirus symptoms. There are various asymptomatic carriers that are spreading this disease. Thus, many governments are announcing a national lockdown. Most big conferences and events are getting canceled.
There are many workers that can do their job remotely. Thus, they should work from home for at least 2-4 weeks. This will help companies in protecting their employees from this deadly virus.
Remote Hand Services will limit the people that are accessing your server
If your employees are showing any coronavirus symptoms, then they should avoid contact with other people. Some of the common symptoms of this virus are difficulty in breathing, fever, and dry cough. If your employees are returning from a foreign trip, then they should self-isolate them for 2 weeks. Sometimes people can spread this device without showing any symptoms. Thus, it is important to self-isolate yourself for at least two weeks.
Most nations are canceling conferences, festivals and sports matches. These mass gatherings are the best thing for any virus. One infected person can infect hundreds of people in these mass gatherings. Thus, it is important to ensure that you are not attending any mass gatherings.
Remote hands service will provide external people to you. These people will take care of your data center needs. Thus, only a few people will visit the data center. This will help you in containing the virus. Many data centers are offering these services to their clients. This will help governments in slowing down the spread of this virus.
Remote Hand Services are very important during this outbreak
This virus is forcing companies to rely on their remote workforce. It is time to force everyone to work from their home. This will help companies in determining how much work their workers can do from home. There are many companies that are providing remote services. Pulse Secure is an access control enterprise that are allowing their clients to remotely access their resources. You can remotely access their cloud and data center resources. All these things will help governments in containing this virus.
This virus is almost affecting every company in the world. Companies are becoming more dependent on their colocation data centers. For example, almost every university has canceled its classes. They are switching to online learning for providing classes. Thus, these universities are heavily relying on their data center.
Also, governments are forcing people to stay at their home. They are suggesting them to do their grocery shopping from online websites. Thus, most eCommerce stores are going to see a traffic spike. Also, remote workers are going to use streaming services like Hulu and Netflix.
If your company is providing online services, then it is the perfect time to scale up your server. These companies are going to rely heavily on these data centers. Thus, they need remote hands team for maintaining their servers.
Remote Hands will give you stability in difficult times
The companies already need to worry about a lot of things in these uncertain times. If they need to send their own IT team to colocation centers, then this will increase their problem. Remote hands service will ensure that their data center will work smoothly. Enterprises don’t need to send their team for ensuring that their servers are working properly. Thus, remote hands services are very important during these uncertain times.
The coronavirus is already impacting the whole world. There is no way to predict the impact of this virus. Most companies are already asking their employees to work from home. This will help them in protecting their employees. However, if you have an in-house server, then your employees can’t work from home. They need to maintain your server. Thus, your IT department can’t remotely work. It is important to use remote hands service during these uncertain times. This will ensure that your company servers will keep working. You don’t need to worry about maintaining these servers. Thus, your IT employees can also work from their homes. If you need more things regarding remote hands service, then you can contact Bleuwire.
Contact us today to learn about Bleuwire™ services and solutions in how we can help your business.